Youmacon 2015 Recap


I am in between classes right now at Medaille College, so I have a little bit of time to do a quick recap of the awesomeness that was Youmacon 2015. First off, because it's in my hometown, it was really special. I got to come home, spend time with family and friends, and re-connect with other hometown geeks.

As far as my panel on fighting game storylines, it was amazing, but not without its flaws. The biggest one was on me: I left my business cards in the car. By the time I realized it, it was too late. There were a few technical difficulties that prevented me from uploading my podcast yesterday before I hit the road.

Otherwise, it was really cool meeting people who care about the storylines of Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, Skullgirls, etc. Speaking of the latter, there were so many other games that I couldn't get to because I was prepared for a shorter time limit. Finding out I had an extra half-hour was both humbling and frustrating. I feel like I owe people, so I'm going to start profiling the stories of fighting game individually.

Despite my imperfections, I made some new friends, connected with some potential partners, found some more people to do Five-Q with, and had a blast. And that's what cons are about anyway, right? Gonna upload my next Five-Q soon and it's going to be great. And the podcast is coming today as well.

That's all for now, kiddies! It's almost time for class. Gotta run.